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KC Research & Solutions

As an independent researcher with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Tiffanwy Klippel-Cooper has always needed to be creative when interacting with the world. This approach to problem-solving led her to found KC Research and Solutions with her brother James Klippel-Cooper, and business partner Michael Boundey. The company drives meaningful, collaborative design to ensure that future technologies solve real-world issues and are accessible to as many people as possible.

  • Supporting the health impacts of microgravity on astronauts.
  • Reducing cost, timeframes and transport challenges of traditional insulin production.
  • Fewer consumables to achieve the same output as current methods.
  • Deployable at point of need.

KC Research and Solutions are developing a self-contained bioreactor to produce insulin in zero-gravity environments. A deployable solution to point-of-need insulin production is not currently available on the market. Insulin accessibility is a significant barrier to long-distance human space exploration due to its necessity for maintaining muscle mass and bone density.

KC Research and Solutions’ potential markets include AUKUS and affiliated space industry partners, Doctors Without Borders, the World Health Organisation, the veterinary/zoological industry, disaster relief bodies, university biology and medical departments, governmental and private hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industry.

KC Research and Solutions are looking to partner within the Australian space industry. The company are specifically looking for expertise in biochemistry, nanocarbon printing, refrigeration, engineering, and tissue engineering.

Tiffanwy Klippel-Cooper

Tiffanwy Klippel-Cooper


James Klippel-Cooper

James Klippel-Cooper


Michael Boundey

Michael Boundey

Business Consultant

(08) 8302 7368

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South Australian Government

University of South Australia