Since 2015, the Innovation & Collaboration Centre has supported early-stage startups through providing workspace, mentoring and funding. Read more about our staff and our startups.
The Innovation & Collaboration Centre is home to Venture Catalyst and the state's first space incubator program Venture Catalyst Space. These programs are designed to help founders start their business.
Jordana Blackman (CEO of OmnigeniQ Pty Ltd) presenting at the 2024 Venture Catalyst Graduation event.
Credit: Innovation & Collaboration Centre
At the ICC, International Women’s Day is a day to acknowledge and celebrate incredible female founders.
We sat down with Margeaux Bartholomew-Carle, Founder and CEO of Ardant, and Jordana Blackman, CEO of OmnigeniQ Pty Ltd, to find out what IWD means to them. You can watch what Margeaux had to say about how she finds being a female founder within the tech industry on our LinkedIn page and read Jordana's responses below.
IWD for me is about recognising the achievements of women, despite and because of the specific challenges we encounter that are different to the challenges men face.
Personally, being a female founder is exciting and scary in equal measure. Some days I feel that I need to do more than male founders might, just to get to the same point. I don't always feel women have the 'instant credibility' that men, and particularly middle aged white men, seem to have... But on the flip side, there are advantages to being underestimated! When you bring something exciting to the table, you really have the chance to blow people's minds with a great presentation when the expectation for that might not be there when you first shake hands.
My biggest achievement is bringing very smart people together for a common purpose.
Hmmmm. Perhaps the challenge is a lack of other women to talk to and bounce things off. But I wouldn’t say that there are large barriers for women that don’t also exist for men in the tech industry. Getting more women into tech and STEM would be the challenge to address, which I know has become a priority for local and federal governments. The more women come into tech and STEM, the better!
I was ALWAYS someone who hated being told what to do and when. Even at high school, I had a dislike for having things scheduled throughout the day that I didn't have control over, and a bigger dislike for not being able to do things at the pace I wanted to do it at.
Being my own boss was the easiest decision I ever made. Running my own business was something much more learned - not innate. Do the courses, watch the videos, talk to people. Listen to advice. Don't assume you know better... But then after you have taken on all that advice - trust yourself and your instincts.
Spend as much time as possible UP FRONT refining the concept, positioning your product or service in the market, understanding what your buyers want. Do it over and over and over. And then hire smart people to help you do it over and over and over. And get comfortable promoting yourself and your product/service.
Media Contact:
Georgia Minarelli M: +61 413 314 726 E: Georgia.minarelli@unisa.edu.au
21 November 2024
An Adelaide startup has adapted its world-first bioreactor technology for deployment in space, meaning biological supplements essential for human health in zero-gravity environments could be produced en route to Mars or beyond, rather than transported or resupplied from Earth.
7 June 2024
A digital notebook for new business ideas and professional services employment opportunities for people experiencing disadvantage are among six new innovations breaking into South Australia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem with the Venture Catalyst acceleration program.
5 February 2024
To set entrepreneurs up for success, the ICC offers dedicated and tailored support through its Venture Catalyst accelerator program.
23 October 2023
The Innovation & Collaboration Centre (ICC) is excited to announce the next cohort of participants in its leading six-month accelerator program.
14 September 2023
Seven startups from across the globe graduate from startup space program. Where to next?
“When we joined the Venture Catalyst program, it just took our name out there and put it into the global domain.”
– Harrison Box, Venture Catalyst Space participant
“Venture Catalyst has been a great entry point for us to get into Australia."
– Migel Tissera, Venture Catalyst Space participant
“Failures and setbacks have taught me much, so learn to fail fast and fail gracefully."
– Ethan Tan, ICC Industry Expert
“Expertise informs what should be done; experience guides how to get it done. Access to both will accelerate your start-up’s journey."
– Nigel O'Neill, ICC Industry Expert
“Grow your network. It’s about who you know and a global mindset. Just because it may be new or not work out locally, doesn’t mean it hasn't already been conceived elsewhere - there could be opportunities to find new connections and collaborate.”
– Stephanie Wan, ICC Industry Expert
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