Poaching is a significant barrier to the sustainability of marine ecosystems. After being approached by a fisheries compliance organisation, physicist and founder, Ian Dewey, began to explore efficient ways to monitor large offshore marine reserves. Initially, several small tests were conducted utilising satellite remote sensing image analysis to identify and profile vessels. Upon successful completion of initial testing, the ESpy Ocean team was formed. Now, ESpy Ocean provides the tools for anti-poaching, illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and transport vessels. Its key advantage is increasing the safety of operators, as ESpy Ocean’s technology informs patrol vessels of nefarious activity before a physical encounter.
With a background in image analysis for submarine detection, ESpy Ocean is a South Australian company that brings together a diverse team of physicists, oceanographers, ecologists, and research experts, using sophisticated image analysis technology to combat poaching.
ESpy Ocean’s algorithms can find a vessel anywhere at any time, even if it is not on the water’s surface. Its core expertise is in satellite remote sensing image analysis for maritime detection, using hyperspectral imaging. This technology allows for the analysis of a large ocean area and the tracking of specific objects. The team uses software developed in consultation with a range of marine industries to provide an end user output. ESpy also provides ongoing risk assessment through its continually updating database to provide timely data on individual vessel ‘habits’ and activity patterns of various locations and fisheries.
ESpy Ocean’s technology could be utilised across groups that are interested in tracking illegal vessels. Potential market opportunities could arise through compliance organisations, marine parks, defence, and fisheries companies.
ESpy Ocean are seeking opportunities with machine learning experts, satellite owners and operators.
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Field Expert
(08) 8302 7368
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