Since 2015, the Innovation & Collaboration Centre has supported early-stage startups through providing workspace, mentoring and funding. Read more about our staff and our startups.
The Innovation & Collaboration Centre is home to Venture Catalyst and the state's first space incubator program Venture Catalyst Space. These programs are designed to help founders start their business.
QL Space's Raj Gautam (back right) at the Venture Catalyst Space graduation event with the 2022 cohort
Credit: Innovation & Collaboration Centre
In October this year QL Space will be presenting their experience of the Venture Catalyst Space (VCS) program at the biggest space-related conference worldwide, the 74th International Astronautical Congress in Baku, Azerbaijan.
QL Space was one of ten companies chosen to participate in the fourth cohort of the Venture Catalyst Space (VCS) program run by UniSA’s Innovation & Collaboration Centre (ICC). An Australian based Earth observation data company, QL Space has continued to grow since participating in the Venture Catalyst Space program in 2022.
The company’s Chief Operating Officer, Ariane Platell says they are honoured to present on such a big platform.
“Presenting a paper at the congress is an incredibly prestigious opportunity to share insights on a global platform,” she says.
QL Space exhibiting at the Australian Space Forum
Credit: Innovation & Collaboration Centre
The abstract titled Accelerators and Incubators – An Australian Case Study, looks at the efficacy of startup programs in particular highlighting QL Space’s personal experience within the ICC’s six-month Venture Catalyst Space program in 2022.
Platell says the company’s interactions with the ICC have continued past the conclusion of the program thanks to the long-term support offered by the University and the Centre (ICC).
“The program doesn't just end at the six-month point, we've been able to continue to stay close and receive outstanding support.
“Attending the ICC's India Trade delegation a few months ago was a great example of that,” she says.
Presenting at the Congress offers an opportunity for QL Space to not only enhance their reputation within the wider astrological community but also foster collaboration, encourage critical feedback, and contribute to the ongoing growth and development of the global space industry.
QL Space's Rajen Biswa with VCS participants at the Innovation & Collaboration Centre
Credit: Innovation & Collaboration Centre
The ICC is proud to be running a program that is having a positive impact within the startup space sector not only in Australia but also worldwide since 2018, thanks to support from the South Australian Government through the South Australian Space Industry Centre.
As an accelerator and incubator, the VCS program is dedicated to supporting startup companies to grow and QL Space are a fantastic example of showcasing the growth of alumni companies after completing the program.
“The ICC were our first big supporters when QL Space was barely six months old. We wouldn't have grown as fast as we have without them,” Ariane says.
“By showcasing QL Space's experience on the Venture Catalyst Space program, I hope others can see the benefits in refining accelerator models based on evidence, so that the space industry can remain competitive, adaptable, and at the forefront of innovation.”
Platell will speak on Thursday 5 October at 1.40pm Baku local time as one of the interactive presentations.
UniSA’s Deputy Director – Business Incubation, Craig Jones will be attending the congress and available following the presentation to provide more information on the ICC and the available programs. Craig manages the Innovation & Collaboration Centre and is a founding member of the Venture Catalyst Space project team.
Media Contact:
Georgia Minarelli M: +61 413 314 726 E: Georgia.minarelli@unisa.edu.au
14 September 2023
Seven startups from across the globe graduate from startup space program. Where to next?
10 August 2023
Scott has been inspired by the ideas and progress of the Venture Catalyst Space startups and they are benefiting immensely from his experience, advice and connections in Australia and in the US.
22 May 2023
As part of the ICC’s Australia-India Space Alliance program, we took seven startup companies from around the country to India to meet their counterparts.
“When we joined the Venture Catalyst program, it just took our name out there and put it into the global domain.”
– Harrison Box, Venture Catalyst Space participant
“Venture Catalyst has been a great entry point for us to get into Australia."
– Migel Tissera, Venture Catalyst Space participant
“Failures and setbacks have taught me much, so learn to fail fast and fail gracefully."
– Ethan Tan, ICC Industry Expert
“Expertise informs what should be done; experience guides how to get it done. Access to both will accelerate your start-up’s journey."
– Nigel O'Neill, ICC Industry Expert
“Grow your network. It’s about who you know and a global mindset. Just because it may be new or not work out locally, doesn’t mean it hasn't already been conceived elsewhere - there could be opportunities to find new connections and collaborate.”
– Stephanie Wan, ICC Industry Expert
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