Since 2015, the Innovation & Collaboration Centre has supported early-stage startups through providing workspace, mentoring and funding. Read more about our staff and our startups.

SAYES Graduation

The South Australian Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (SAYES), managed by Business SA, is a government-funded 12-month workshop and mentoring program for young people aged from 18 to 35. SAYES works with industry mentors who help participants with a business idea gain an understanding of the fundamentals, and instil the confidence to bring their ideas to life. Over the last 12 months, the monthly SAYES workshops have been hosted here at the Innovation & Collaboration Centre. 

The Class of 2016 SAYES Graduation was held at the SAHMRI on Wednesday 9 August 2017 and celebrated the achievements of 37 participants who completed the program and have taken their bright ideas and turned them into a reality.

Sally Paech, founder of OrganiQ, was awarded the UniSA Innovation & Collaboration Centre Award and secured 3 months incubation space here at the ICC. 

The Entrepreneur of the Year Award was presented at the Graduation to Mr Tom Rodger owner of The Seller Door. Mr Rodger started The Seller Door after taking part in SAYES. Little more than a year ago, Tom Rodger was working in the corporate sector dreaming of starting his own business selling the best South Australian produce, ensuring the state became the hero at a local café and market. SAYES helped Tom create a business plan, network with like-minded peers and grow his company. Tom also won the Business Growth Award in recognition of his businesses contribution to providing employment opportunities in the State and also the significant growth his business has demonstrated in the short time it has been in operation.

Fresh Front’s Martin Wilson won the Business Plan of the Year Award, and Anne McCutcheon was announced as the RDA Adelaide Mentor of the Year.

South Australian Government

University of South Australia